(In His Own Write)

JOE SANTANGELO official WebSite
Champions and Elite Professionals
Nobody is a champion before becoming a champion.
Sport is highly democratic, much more than any other kind of activity or business in this world. Just think it over a bit: no other person but you can give you the honour, the respect and the glory of being the World Champion. It’s only up to you. This has always been for centuries – back to Greek Olympiads and Romanian Coliseum games – and this will always be.
This only means one true thing: nobody is born as a champion, but anyone can become a champion, if he/she truly deserves that.
Any champion has started to practice a sports discipline, then something happened into his/her psyche and a big switch occurred: the decision to devote anything, any kind of energy, to become a champion, one day. So, any champion has learned the lessons, has trained hard for decades, has failed and has had the nerve to get up and keep fighting to make a dream come true, the big dream.
So, what I want you to keep clearly in your mind is that becoming a champion is up to you, you ought to understand what make an athlete a champion so that you can decide to switch your psychology and strive hard to make your dream come true. Or maybe you’ll decide to take your time and apply the whole of the methodology step by step, slowly, and see what happens. Or you can decide that you’re not that kind of person, so you quit and continue to practice for your own personal relaxation. The choice is yours, that switch is up to you. No one can empower your aim and motivation, no one can transform your brain: is a personal business.
«Enter yourself and go in deep. Isolate your weaknesses and work hard on that: become familiar with handling bad times. Understand your strengths and transform them into ‘Specials’: your uniqueness starts on it»

Sport Mental Coaching
This volume is the result of many decades of experience of a multiple world champion who had to overcome many difficulties before reaching the highest podium. His determination had to prevail over the conviction of many influential trainers, according to whom this man would not get very far. Some significant injuries - moreover - seriously warped against success, but this man actually succeeded! The decisive factor in his success - ultimately - was the awareness of the founding, predominant and central value of the Mindset: the Author realised that - in order to overcome any challenge - one simply has to put the consciousness in command of the body, a robust and resilient brain in the face of all obstacles. Training and coaching - therefore - become merely 'tools' in the service of a winning mindset.
The book covers a detailed analysis of the eight pillars of a Professional Sportsman's Mindset: (1) Physical Training - (2) Tactical/Strategic Training - (3) Sport Code of Ethics - (4) Goal Setting - (5) Clarity - (6) Self Consciousness - (7) Adaptation - (8) Courage. Each of these elements is presented organically, according to a recursive scheme that includes the following nine segments: (1) Definition - (2) Contextualization - (3) Factors - (4) Threats - (5) Opportunities - (6) Methodologies - (7) Practical Techniques - (8) Powerful Questions - (9) Instructions & Recommendations.
At the end of a detailed examination of the factors that determine the Sport Mindset, the book presents the 5 Mindset Tools Model applied to the 7 profile types of the competitive athlete, thus suggesting the transition to action. The Winning Action - ultimately - requires the transfer of specific tricks, activities and behaviours within the routine, which the self-titled MWR: Mental Workout Routine. A mix of motivation, awareness and training that transforms a man into a champion.
The book - in conclusion - can be considered a self-coaching tool for the advanced athlete, but also a Sport Mental Coaching manual for the trainer.


The 8 main FACTORs composing the SPORT MINDSET

The 54 FACTORs which make up the whole of the SPORT MINDSET and the Psychic Pattern of each Athlete, both Amateur and Champion.